How/Why We Made Adult Content

We get asked very often how/why we ever got into recording and sharing parts of our intimate life. The story probably isn’t what you’re expecting. When we were both 18 and gained some more freedom after high school we started getting adventurous, hence the name “LLadventures”. Neither one of us remembers who originally came up with the idea to film something but we think it was mutual. It was just kind of a throw away idea to say we did it, for fun we made a porno.

IN one of our longer times apart at that point in our history (6 days…), I was on a moose hunting trip, no alone time. So by the time I got back and we could be alone again we decided that would be the best time to try recording a video if we were ever going to do it because the finish would be satisfying. So we ended up recording an oral video and posting it to pornhub, that was that; check something off of our adventurous bucket list, we then proceeded to kind of forget it happened. Fast forward a couple of weeks later, we received an unknown deposit in our bank account and an email from pornhub congratulating us on our feature and top ranking. Turns out that while we were busy forgetting about the video we posted Lowen’s particular set of skills had become immensely popular soon soaring to the top charts. Surprisingly where that video remains to this day, 4 years later. albeit a couple videos down in the ranking. This marked the beginning for us as we realized that we could make enough money to leave our small town and essentially travel how we pleased for adding just a little bit more effort into something we are doing in our spare time anyways. Since then we have created over 350 videos, expanded to multiple different platforms and won a few awards for something that we never imagined we’d be doing.


How We Got Here